İsmet İnönü at one of the meetings on New Letters with Kazım Özalp at Atatürk Dolmabahçe Palace. (28-29.08.1928)

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İsmet İnönü at one of the meetings on New Letters with Kazım Özalp at Atatürk Dolmabahçe Palace. (28-29 August 1928)

At the Alphabet Meeting, 29-30 August 1928 Dolmabahçe Palace,

Dawn was breaking, the sun to rise was the morning sun of August 30. All of Istanbul had completed the preparations for this great victory feast. A team of those at the table would go to the celebration ceremony to be held in Taksim Square that morning.

He always got up. We were celebrating the anniversary of the greatest victory that saved Atatürk, the Turkish Homeland and the Turkish Nation.

The Eternal Chief listened and listened to the celebrations in the distraction of deep-seated eyes;

“  I am not the one who won this victory,” he said. The heroic soldiers who ignored these real wire fences, died on the battlefield, were injured, and by throwing themselves at the enemy without sparing, opened the way to the Mediterranean to Turkish bayonets. Unfortunately, it is not possible to write the names of each of them on the ridges of Kocatepe. But they all have a common name: Turkish Soldier!!"

- " I accept your congratulations on their behalf! "

Dolmabahçe Palace, at the Alphabet meeting.  (29-30 August 1928)

Dolmabahçe Palace, at the Alphabet meeting. (29-30 August 1928)


Source: Atatürk’ten Anılar, Kemal Arıburnu, İnkılap Kitapevi 1998. ISBN: 975-10-1392-5. Sayfa:164-165

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İsmet İnönü at one of the meetings on New Letters with Kazım Özalp at Atatürk Dolmabahçe Palace. (28-29.08.1928)