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whoisataturk.com will use this information for the following purposes:
• To send you printed publications/correspondence
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Only authorized whoisataturk.com administrators can access personal information. whoisataturk.com uses statistical information (browser type, geographic location, age, gender, etc.) to improve the website and to have more information about its consumers in general, without disclosing their identities. This information is not disclosed to third parties. Your geographic location is shown on the map generally based on your IP number. Your IP number and/or detailed geographic location cannot be determined by others from this map. Our IP logs and statistical general data collected are never disclosed to third parties.
whoisataturk.com site does not guarantee that other sites you will visit through the links on its site will comply with isteataturk.com's Privacy Policy; For this reason, we recommend that you evaluate the privacy approaches of the sites you visit before providing any personally identifiable information.