Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha is in Edremit. Next to him are his wife Latife Hanım and Kazım Karabekir Pasha. (09.02.1923)

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Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha is in Edremit. Next to him are his wife Latife Hanım and Kazım Karabekir Pasha. (February 9, 1923)

On Friday , February 9, 1923, during Gazi Mustafa Kemal's visit to Havran, when they came to the place called "Hamaz Pebbles", which sees the Edremit Gulf in the best way, he stops his vehicle and gets out of his vehicle and walks a little while watching the surroundings and the Gulf for a long time. 

His wife Latife Hanım, Kazım Karabekir Pasha, Afet Inan, and his aide-de-camp, who have reached these days with the photographs during his visit to Edremit, surround Salih Bozok, who was Atatürk's childhood, school and military friend, and they watch the beauties of Edremit Bay and the richness of nature, and all eyes are on Gazi Pasha.

Gazi Pasha says, "Look at this bay, it's like a paradise, but there are plenty of thieves . "

No one, gazi pasha, pasha, who is the thief? He does not dare to ask.

While Gazi Pasha was drinking his coffee in Terzizade Sadettin Bey's (Özaydın's) Mansion in Havran, Çanakkale Hero Kocaseyit, that is, Corporal Seyit Çabuk'u from Havran, was expected to be found and come to the mansion. 

It is seen that Atatürk was very witty and cheerful after drinking coffee.

Salih Bozok, a close friend of Atatürk, one of his aides, dares and asks!  “When Pasha was coming to Havran, you watched the Edremit Gulf for a long time, but you said, “There are many thieves,”  and we were very curious, Pasha, “Who is the thief? “

Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha proved with his interesting answer that besides being a very good soldier, administrator, diplomat, he was also a very experienced and knowledgeable meteorologist.

Atatürk said, “When the Edremit Gulf is surrounded by Kaz Mountains in the north, Kocadağlar in the south and Eybek Mountains in the east, no rain falls on this plain. This plain suffers from water shortage. Thieves are mountains . 

Indeed, for the last 20 years, the seasons of Edremit Bay have been warm and dry in summers, with warm and little rain in winter.

While the mountains and high areas benefit from the precipitation, it does not rain on the plains.


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Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha is in Edremit. Next to him are his wife Latife Hanım and Kazım Karabekir Pasha. (09.02.1923)