The Future of Turkey in the Light of Atatürk's Principles and Revolutions Head Teacher Atatürk
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The Future of Turkey in the Light of Atatürk's Principles and Revolutions Head Teacher Atatürk
The Future of Turkey in the Light of Atatürk's Principles and Revolutions Head Teacher Atatürk and Turkish National Education
On the 64th anniversary of the death of Mustafa Kemal, the greatest Turk of our century, and in the 79th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, founded by the Turkish Nation on historical facts, we will keep that great statesman, with the consciousness of historical responsibility, the State of the Republic of Turkey, which is his greatest trust to us, forever and ever. I would like to begin my words by expressing
Great Ataturk; “Education is what makes a nation live as a free, independent, vibrant, high society; or he will drag the society into captivity and misery”, he wanted to see the Turkish Youth as thinking, reading, researching and producing, directing the society, national and having great goals. According to Atatürk, young people who are well-educated, equipped with modern knowledge and can receive national upbringing can be creative, progressive, and strengthen the national existence. Atatürk expects patriotism from the youth and hard work in order to raise Turkey to the level of contemporary civilization. He is the great statesman; “Young people, you have the upbringing and wisdom, the virtue of humanity, the love of the homeland,
It will be able to realize the development and development of our country. It is time to raise Turkish youth who can put the Republic of Turkey among the contemporary states of the age, who can think big and modern, who have national goals, who produce knowledge and ideas. It is possible to carry Turkey into the future, into the 21st century, by solving our political, social and economic problems with the sensitive, conscious, excited Turkish youth, who understand the importance dictated by its geography, have made plans for the future. Great Atatürk shows "the principles I have pointed out to be kept alive in the minds of the Turkish Youth and in the consciousness of the Turkish Nation" as a national goal.
Atatürk, one of the most important figures that humanity has raised throughout history, has taken its place in history as a great leader with his military and political genius, knowledge, love, tolerance and the importance he gives to peace. Atatürk's universal principles and ideas, scientific thought and the evaluation of the 21st century in a new dimension. It is of great importance for Turkey as well as for the whole world. The basis of his success was his unwavering belief in knowledge and science. Atatürk came to Anatolia as a national leader, he used national ideology to gather the nation around the same ideal in the War of Independence. It left its national stamp on the whole movement to ensure national unity. The struggle, that is, the war started, is national. The borders desired to be reached with the National Pact, which is the political program of this struggle, are also national. The Representation Committee of the Kuvay-ı Milliye, which was established to be the energy center of the movement. It is national in organizations such as the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
No human intellect has known the truth of Turkishness as closely as Mustafa Kemal, and not as deeply as Mustafa Kemal. No heart has ever known and experienced Turkish love so great. Mustafa Kemal, like thinkers, started to think about what a Turk is, and like a man of heart, he started out by loving the Turk. He taught us ourselves. He introduced ourselves. It gave us our national identity. He put our ID cards in our pockets. He showed the fact that it is a national duty to place national interests and benefits above every thought.
According to him, all these traits were innate and unique qualities brought by the Turkish Nation. That is why it does not include any divisive thoughts. When national unity and solidarity is achieved, there is no obstacle that the nation cannot overcome. Mustafa Kemal defined it as "The Turkish Nation is not a community that will not understand the secret and dirty aims of the corrupt, stateless and nationalityless minds who want to work against the high interests of themselves and their country."
Atatürk had a spirit of greatness that never saw the good things he did for his country and nation as enough. He cherished his homeland. A foreign ambassador who wrote a book about Atatürk reminded him one day that he was born in the same region as Alexander the Great. Atatürk did not delay in giving the following answer: “The resemblance stops at that point. Alexander conquered the world. I didn't. Alexander forgot his homeland while conquering the world. But I have never forgotten my homeland, my nation.”
One of the former Kadıaskers describes Atatürk as follows: “I have not known a psychologist as great as this one in our history. He knows the soul of his nation like the back of his hand. Because no individual has been able to fuse and unite with the nation he belongs to as much as he does. He felt all the sufferings of the nation in his own body; He discovered and understood in the movements of his own mind and the outbursts of his own conscience what the nation wanted, what it did not want, what it thought and why it complained. Mustafa Kemal, in a speech he made with the American General Mac Arthur in October 1935; He records that the winner of a war that will take place in Europe will not be England, France or Germany, and says: “The Bolsheviks, who perfectly exploit the mentality of the awakening Eastern Nations, caress their national passions and know how to provoke them, not only destroy Europe, but also Europe.
Western states that could not see this historical evaluation of Atatürk in 1935. After World War II, they had to establish the Western European Union on March 17, 1948, and then NATO on April 4, 1949, in order to stop the Russians, who took on the armor of Bolshevism. Indeed, if this historical warning of Atatürk before the war had been taken into account by the Western states, they would certainly not have had to take military and political measures to stop the imperialist and expansionist ambitions of post-war Soviet Russia.
II. After World War II, Soviet Russia continued its hostile attitude towards Turkey, refusing to renew the Moscow Agreement of 16 March 1921. They demanded Kars and Ardahan bases from Turkey, and bases from the Straits.
The Turkish Nation responded to these requests with the mouth of the then Prime Minister Şükrü Saracoğlu:
“These places were acquired at the expense of the life and blood of the Turks, and remained under his rule for centuries. With such notes, this land cannot be given to you. Throughout Turkish history, we Turks have not given a single inch of land to any state by written letter. If your decision is firm, come and get it. We are ready for war every minute.”
Although Atatürk's "War of Independence" against the Western imperialist states concerns only the Turkish Nation with its results, it concerns the whole world, the whole humanity. Atatürk undertook and defended the cause of independence not only for the Turkish Nation, but also for all oppressed nations during the National Struggle. Expressing this in 1922, Mustafa Kemal also announced that a new date would be made by realizing this case. He says on this subject: “If Turkey's current struggle had been on its own behalf and on its own account, perhaps it would have been less bloody in the shorter term and could have ended more quickly. Turkey is making a great and important effort. Because what it defends is the cause of all oppressed nations, all of the Orient, and until it comes to an end, Turkey is sure that it will march with the Eastern Nations that are with it.
Mustafa Kemal responded with the truth of the Turkish Nation to the Crusader attacks launched 84 years ago against our country. Today, too, it is possible to stop the internal and external attacks against our State in line with the goals He has shown us, by living together with the Turkish Nation, by understanding the nation's troubles and by understanding it fully, and finally by acting according to the Nation's Ideal.
In the 20th century we live in, I would like to convey a memory that I personally experienced, that Atatürk, who continued to illuminate Turkey's path with his ideas, principles and reforms, also guided the 250 million Turkish World with his ideas and principles. To carry out my doctoral studies between 1991-1993; Mehmet Emin Resulzade said, "The flag that goes up will never come down again." I have been in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the land of Ali Merdan Topçubaşı and Martyr Prime Minister Fethali Han Hoylu, and the Turkish region of the Caspian coast. In July 1992, upon the invitation of an Azerbaijani friend named Vagif, I went to his hometown Gabriel. Although the regions of Gabriel, Fuzuli, Zangilan, Kubatlı were in Aran Karabakh (Lower Karabakh), the war was still going on in these regions at that time. I regret to say that These historical Turkish lands are under Armenian occupation today. I had the opportunity to chat with the Azerbaijani soldiers in front of the Government House in Gabriel. The subject of the conversation was the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. I said that these lands belong to the Azerbaijani Turks, that they will not be given a share of the land, that the homeland should be defended at the expense of their blood and lives. An Azerbaijani soldier is at the front for me. He was trying to explain that they were fighting the Russian army and that their weapons were stronger. I told them that the conditions were much worse during the Turkish Nation's National Struggle, that the Turkish army was fighting against the armies of seven countries, and that no state aid was in question. To the Azerbaijani soldiers who listened to me with great interest, in 1919 in Sivas M. I mentioned a meeting between Kemal and the American General Harbord. In this meeting, Harbord poses the following question to M. Kemal:
- You are in a tremendous attempt to save your hometown, but do you have the money? Do you have a weapon?
- No, there are none of these at the moment.
- So your venture is not a hopeless or even dangerous adventure?
- No, we will have money that we do not have today, weapons that do not exist, an army that does not exist will be established.
- But how?
That is, if a nation decides to get rid of it altogether and takes action, there is no power in the world that will prevent it from obtaining its freedom and independence.
Satisfied with these words of Atatürk, General Harbord replied, “If I were Turkish, I would only act in this way”.
In the face of these historical explanations, an Azerbaijani commander among them replied to me as follows. “Turkish brother, you had Mustafa Kemal Pasha then. He guided you, you poured the Greek into the sea. You have freed your country,” he replied. Undoubtedly, I would like to express that I am very pleased and proud of this answer.
Today, I would like to state that if there is Turkish domination in Nakhchivan and it has the status of an autonomous region affiliated to Azerbaijan, it is owed to Atatürk. Yusuf Kemal (Tengirşenk), one of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the National Struggle, had a farewell meeting with Mustafa Kemal before departing for Moscow on 13 December 1920 to make a deal with the Russians. In this meeting, Yusuf Kemal Bey asks Mustafa Kemal a question: "Pasha, what should we do if the Russians insist on Nahcivan?" M. Kemal Pasha's answer is very clear and unequivocal. “Nakhchivan is the Turkish gate. Take this matter into consideration and do your best.” With the diplomatic success of M. Kemal and the Turkish Government, Nakhchivan and Karabakh were recognized as Autonomous Republics on the condition that they be part of Azerbaijan.
This historical event also took place in Hatay, where Atatürk said that “Forty-century-old Turkish Homeland cannot be left in foreign hands” . After the Treaty of Lausanne signed by Turkey, the Turks of Hatay started the National Struggle to get rid of the French captivity. The question that everyone has been asking themselves and their relatives for years was this. "When will they come? “Actually, these questions were frequently heard and heard words in all occupied Turkish regions until 1990.
“O Turk! Come quickly, you."
When will they arrive in Hatay after the hat is accepted in Turkey? When an old man who asked his question was told, "Uncle, if the Turks come here, they will make you wear a hat," he replied: "Son, if they come here, I'll even put on a tripe and go for a walk. Besides, what do you call a hat? Even people go to heaven with people. I do not believe that a captive in this world will go to heaven in the hereafter. What do I do in heaven with others? They don't understand me, I...”
On August 26, 1071, Alparslan said, “Anatolia will be the homeland of me and my nation. I am opening the door of a new home for them. He defeated the Byzantine army and achieved victory with the ideal of "I bought you such a homeland that it will be yours forever". On August 26, 1922, Gazi M. Kemal Pasha defeated the Greek army by saying "I cannot leave this cherished homeland, which was given to our nation by the Alpslans, to the Megalo-Ideas, Anatolia is my homeland" .
The Republic is the most appropriate regime for the Turkish people, which it has established within its national borders by gaining its independence against the invading forces that want to destroy the homeland from inside and outside after years of wars and bloody struggles. The reason for the existence of the nation and the reason for the existence of the Turkish state and the republic are the same.
We did not buy the republic from the street. We paid a price and established the new Turkish State. Under difficult conditions, we made the National Struggle by upsetting the forecasts. Thousands of martyrs supported the east of the Republic of Turkey with their blood and lives. Continuing the tradition of establishing a state, the Turkish Nation continued its historical duty. Our state life is 2200 years old.
Great Atatürk draws attention to the fact that the Republic and democracy are our indispensable and national goals, by saying, "All nationalist and republican forces must be gathered in one place in order to protect the country and the Revolution against the dangers that may come from inside and outside." We aspire neither to a republic without democracy, nor to a democracy without a republic... Another method of reaching the level of contemporary civilization has not yet been discovered. Everyone who says they are Turkish should be in favor of this republic, and the determination to defend and keep this republic alive at all costs should undoubtedly be a primary duty of the Turkish people.
- Respect for the Republic is respect for the national unity and integrity of Turkey,
- Respect for the Republic, clinging to national interests in every field, being able to realize the opportunities that Turkish Culture and Civilization provide us.
- Respect for the Republic is respect for Turkish. To use Turkish as the language of science.
- Respect for the Republic is respect for the Turkish Grand National Assembly. It is a commitment to the national will.
- Respect for the republic is to develop mechanisms that unite the state and the nation.
- Respect for the Republic is respect for Turkish history and being able to consider it as a whole without dividing it.
- Respect for the Republic is to develop it by preserving the values that make us who we are.
- Respect for the Republic is a smart, cold-blooded and scientifically guided struggle with different elements that could not digest it.-
- Respect for the Republic means not seeing the interests of individuals, communities, groups and groups above their national interests.
- Respect for the Republic is not to interfere with foreigners in its internal affairs. It is to follow a respectable, peaceful, national foreign policy.
- Respect for the Republic is to implement the national economy. To evaluate Turkey's underground and surface resources positively in terms of country's interests.
- Respect for the Republic is respect for the Turkish identity. The identity we carry with pride and honor in life is the Turkish identity.
The State of the Republic of Turkey, in Atatürk's words, is the greatest work of the Turkish Nation. Today, it is in the most important strategic position of the world geography. The Turkish Nation, which aims to make the next century its own among different civilizations and nations between the Middle East and Caucasus oil, has the power to achieve this with its 79-year-old Republic and national state.
The Turkish people should know well that when they are very, very strong, no force will dare to make an enemy against them. So Turkish people have to be strong. He has to be awake. He has to be cautious. Turkish people should learn very well who is on the side of the Turks and who is on the side of the Turkish enemies. When he is strong, he should never forget that those who bow down in prostration before him will never be friends. They are waiting for the difficult days of the Turkish Nation and the Turkish State. We must be strong. We have to control the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East and direct the events here in favor of Turkey. We have to keep our national unity alive and well. Our geopolitical and geostrategic situation compels us to make more effort on this path than any other nation.Let's work together, not for your own person, but for the nation you belong to, this is the greatest work," and stated that the Turkish people are assigned to civilization and humanity with wisdom.
We, as the generation of Atatürk; It is the national duty of every Turkish people to protect our Republic, State and Homeland, with the idea of the survival of the nation and the state, the development of science and service to the nation. The future of the republic is ensured by the national unity and integrity of the 70 million Turkish people. The Turkish Nation, which emerged from the National Struggle with a victory that stunned the whole world, preferred the most modern state form while rebuilding its state, and the Republic of Turkey was able to be a balancing factor in the region and the world in that founding period, when developments pointed to new turmoil.
The Republic of Turkey is the work of the nation's struggle, the Turkish War of Independence, against those who want to destroy and erase Turkishness from the world as a whole. The foundation of our republic is the glorious Turkish Nation of 70 million.
I would like to conclude my words with the following words, which I accept as the only and unchangeable truth of my philosophy of life: “It is the greatest pride and honor to be on the side of the State of the Republic of Turkey, of which I am proud to be a member, in the national issues of the State of the Republic of Turkey, in the preservation and survival of the republican regime, in the integrity and survival of our state. and virtue.”
NOTE: This conference was given on behalf of Atatürk Research Center on 23-34 November 2002 in Adıyaman.
Assist. Assoc. Dr. Erol Kürkçüoğlu*
* Director of Atatürk University Turkish-Armenian Relations Research Center