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Kemalism means establishing a free, sovereign and independent state by making science a guide. In short, Kemalism is not a mass of ideas, it is a whole, a systematic whole.
Atatürk, as the person representing the will of the Turkish Nation, is the chief architect and constructor of the Turkish revolution. The Turkish revolution was born as an idea and ideal, broke its interest in the old order with the revolution, expelled the enemy from the homeland of the Father with the struggle for national independence, and won victory on the way to reaching its main goal. The Turkish revolution gained speed and strength with the perception of the national consciousness coming from the depths of Turkish history, and after nationalizing westernism, it responded to the needs of the nation's reality and directed the political, social, cultural and economic life of the newly established state.
While the Turkish revolution was successful, it was based on a number of basic principles. These basic principles, which cover all aspects of state life, are called Kemalism or Kemalism. Kemalism, in a way, is synonymous with the Turkish revolution. Today, these idioms are also expressed as Kemalist thought or Kemalist thought system.
Kemalism is establishing a new state in terms of political science and directing it. It is based on specific and systematic ideas.
Kemalism means establishing a free, sovereign and independent state by making science a guide. In short, Kemalism is not a mass of ideas, it is a whole, a systematic whole.
According to Yekta Güngör Özden, “Ataturkism is an understanding, a way of life, a worldview. It is not a dogma, but a special teaching that constantly renews itself, unique to our Turkey.”
Likewise, according to Yekta Güngör Özden, “Atatürkism requires morality, knowledge and heart. It's not scripture, it's creativity. It is dynamism, not stagnation.”
Atatürk is based on rationalism and the concept of positive science. It is holistic and favors exact science to encompass the world, events and everything.
The main feature of Kemalism or Kemalism is that it was based on the Turkish reality and was formed in the light of historical experiences.
Some of these principles, which we refer to as Kemalism, were included in our constitutions, were evaluated as the elements and qualities of the state, and some of them formed the basis of state policy.
These principles should be considered in two categories. Fundamental Principles and complementary and complementary principles.
I. Basic Principles
The basic principles on which Kemalism is based are Republicanism, Nationalism, Populism, Secularism, Statism, and Revolutionism and other complementary principles.
A - Republicanism
The Republic established in Turkey is not only the name of the political regime, but also the aim and foundation of the Turkish revolution. Republic and revolution are intertwined, it is impossible to separate one from the other.
Republicanism means adopting the republic as the political regime of the state, defining and evaluating the republic as a regime of virtue. Republicanism acts from the republic as a political regime and defends the republic.
Democracy and the republic are closely related. Although not every democratic regime is a republic, the most developed form of democracy, its most advanced identity and appearance is provided by the republic. A republic is a form of state that aims not for the benefit of a person, a group or a class, but for the whole society, and which is governed by the public interest.
According to Atatürk
"The administration most suitable to the character and customs of the Turkish nation is the republican administration." (1924)
"Republican regime means a form of state with a system of democracy." (1933)
"Republic is an administration based on high moral values and qualities. Republic is virtue..." (1925)
Our current government, our state organization is a state and government organization made directly by the nation itself, its name is the Republic. There is no longer any separation between the government and the nation. The government is the nation and the nation is the government.(1925)”
B - Nationalism
Nationalism is a movement of ideas and the most valid social policy principle of our age, based on the reality of the nation. Nationalism is not only a basic principle of the Turkish revolution, but also a fundamental principle that determines the destiny of the Turkish nation, a supreme ideal, a strong bond that leads the nation to peace and prosperity, and keeps them alive in unity and solidarity.
Turkish Nationalism carries an exemplary identity in the civilized world, with its peaceful and humanitarian character and the value it attaches to human personality. Turkish nationalism is based on national unity and solidarity, national feelings and national culture created by Turkish history.
According to Atatürk,
“The Turkish people who founded the Turkish Republic are called the Turkish Nation.” (1930).
"Diyarbakir, Van, Istanbul, Trabzon, Erzurum, and Thrace are all sons of a lineage and veins of the same ore."(1932).
"We are directly nationalists and Turkish nationalists. The foundation of our Republic is Turkish society. The more the members of this society are filled with Turkish culture, the stronger the Republic based on that society will be."
C - Populism
Populism is the administration of the people by the people, for the people. The most important thing in populism is the self-government of the people in accordance with democratic principles. In populism, the political regime of the state is used by the people and for the benefit of the people. Populism is aimed at the realization and establishment of real democracy. The republic is actually a people's government.
Populism has gained value and played a role in our political life as the motto of being a nation without privilege and class. In the real sense, nationalism is based on populism.
According to Atatürk,
"Populism, which is our principle in our domestic politics, that is, the principle of owning the nation's own future has been determined by our Constitution." (1921)
"Populism is a social service that wants to base the social order on work and law." (1921)
" It is one of our main principles to see the people of the Republic of Turkey as a society that is not composed of separate classes, but is divided into various professions in terms of division of labor for personal and social life." (1923)
D - Secularism
Secularism means that religion should not be involved in politics and state affairs and that freedom of conscience is ensured for every citizen.
Secularism is a feature of the modern state and at the same time it is a condition of civilized life. The secular state understanding can go hand in hand with the freedom of religion and conscience. There can be no talk of a secular state without freedom of religion and conscience. To put it bluntly, secularism does not mean being against religion or being hostile to religion. Historical developments made it necessary to move from the religious state to the secular state.
The Turkish revolution was turned against religion, not in the form of anti-religion, but against rotten, rotten institutions that have nothing to do with religion; He strongly opposed the exploitation of religion for the sake of malicious interests. The well-known French writer, Paul Gentizon, while talking about the revolutions in Turkey, said, “Ankara did not imitate neither the Paris of 1789 nor the Moscow of 1920 in terms of religion, because no altar was built in the name of the god of reason in Turkey, and that the religion of Islam was opium. explains that no inscriptions on the subject were erected either.” According to the Turkish revolution, secularism cannot be accepted as against religion and as atheism. The Turkish revolution is against reactionism, scholastic mentality, ignorance and bigotry.
Secularism includes equality of sect among those who belong to the same religion, as well as equality of members of different religions before the law. The problem of sectarian equality has great importance and value for Turkey. Those who wanted to divide and disintegrate the Turkish State tried to provoke sectarian discrimination. Therefore, for Turkey, secularism is an issue of security and peace of mind. National unity was achieved through secularism.
According to Atatürk,
"Secularism does not mean simply separation of religion and worldly affairs. It also means freedom of worship and religion for all citizens.”(1930)
"Secularism has never been irreligious, but since it opened the door to counterfeit piety and witchcraft, it provided the opportunity for true piety to flourish." (1930)
"Religion is a matter of conscience. Everyone is free to obey the orders of their conscience. We respect religion. We are not against thought and thought. We only try not to mix religious affairs with national and state affairs, and we avoid conservative movements based on intent and deed." (1926)
E - Statism
Etatism, on the other hand, is a political practice that shows the characteristics of economic, social and cultural development that has been practiced in Turkey for a long time.
Statism means an increase in state powers, an increase in public services and activities. Etatism, as the people say, means that the state carries the identity of the father, the state becomes stronger as a father to provide full service to the citizens and increases its powers.
In our country, statism has been used extensively and widely. In this sense, in statism, the state has been the main factor and the driving force of economic, social and cultural development. Rapid development in a democratic order compelled Turkey to act on statism and by directing state powers to the welfare of the society. Turkish statism is based on social justice, its purpose is to provide social balance in the society.
According to the well-known French scientist Laufenburger, “Statism implemented in Turkey is a new economic system, different from socialism and capitalism, born out of Turkey's needs.”
With the powers granted to the state by our constitutions, statism continues today in the form of service by the hand of the state. The social state is the result of this understanding.
According to Atatürk,
“ Statism means to us; To base the private enterprises and personal activities of individuals; but taking into account the needs of a great nation and a large country and that much has not been done, to take the economy of the country into the hands of the state." (1936)
In principle, the state should not replace individual. But he must consider the general conditions for the development of the individual." (1930)
Unless absolutely necessary, the markets are not interfered with; however, he is not idle in any market." (1937)
F - Revolutionism
Revolutionism, on the one hand, foresees revolutions as a requirement of civilization, on the other hand, it makes it necessary to move forward.
Revolutionism means loving and protecting revolutions and defending the necessity of civil and human life. In this sense, revolutionism refers to the great Turkish revolution and the changes made in the social order in accordance with the purpose of the revolution.
Revolutionism also means moving forward, changing the social structure and developing in the light of science.
Atatürk said, “The owner of the marvels that the Turkish nation has shown in recent years, and the political and social revolutions it has made, is the real owner.” By saying that, he showed the power and ability of the Turkish nation to make a revolution.
According to Atatürk,
“The aim of the revolutions we have made and are making is to bring the people of the Republic of Turkey into a completely modern and civilized society with all its meaning and appearance.” (1925)
"We made a great revolution. We took the country from one era and brought it to a new era." (1925)
II. Integrative Principles
In addition to the basic principles of Kemalism or Kemalism, complementary and integrative principles have been evaluated as policy principles that guide state life.
Our distinction between fundamental principles and complementary and complementary principles is not really a scientific distinction. With the amendment made in the Constitution in 1937, this rule of public law, which is included in our Constitution and also indicates the nature of the state, has been determined as the basic principles. The principles included in the category of complementary and complementary principles are as much as the basic principles of the Kemalist thought system. The separation of basic principles entered into as a result of the 1937 amendment of the 1924 Constitution. The reason why this sub-principle (six arrows) included in our Constitution is considered as basic principles is that it is included in our Constitution as the nature of the state.
In addition, the explanation and interpretation of these basic principles and the existence of other principles, complementary and complementary principles within the basic principles can also be explained. For example, the basic principle of nationalism includes the principles of national sovereignty, national independence and national unity and solidarity. It is possible to evaluate the principle of modernization within the principle of revolutionism.
A - National Sovereignty
National sovereignty is the indivisible will of the nation, adhering to the phenomenon of nationalization, national sovereignty is based on the idea that the community called nation is an independent social and historical reality as well as an independent legal and political reality.
In order to ensure the success of the national independence struggle, Atatürk considered it necessary for the newly established state to be based on principles such as national sovereignty and national will, taking into account the determination and decision of the nation, the sovereignty of the nation and the will of the nation as the only solution.
According to Atatürk,
“The continuous provision and protection of the highest freedom, the highest equality and justice in society depends only on the establishment of national sovereignty in its full and absolute sense. Therefore, the mainstay of freedom, equality and justice is national sovereignty.
B - National Independence
The principle of national independence is the adoption of independence by the nation. Independence is a character, a problem of existence for the Turkish nation.
The only light of hope for the Turkish nation, which fell into the deepest darkness of despair, was the consciousness and determination to live independently from its wide and honorable history. The Turkish nation was determined and determined to live free and independent. In this respect, the motto of the Turkish nation's liberation was "either independence or death".
Atatürk gave a special value to the independence of the Turkish nation and declared to the whole world with his well-known motto that it would be better to perish and perish than to live in captivity.
According to Atatürk,
“The independence of the Turkish state is sacred. He must be eternally steadfast (trusted) and innocent (protected).”
C - National Unity and Solidarity
Another principle of Kemalism or Kemalism is national unity and solidarity.
National unity and solidarity mean national unity, coexistence and integrity. National unity and solidarity is the inevitable result of the principle of nationalism, a natural result of the common goals envisaged by the principle of nationalism.
Atatürk said in 1920, “ A nation that is determined and persistent in unity and aspirations can eventually make every proud and aggressive enemy regret their pride and encroachment. ” he said.
Atatürk saw the basis of national existence as national consciousness and national unity.
Another complementary or complementary principle is territorial integrity. Country integrity refers to the unity, integrity and indivisibility of the country, which constitutes the physical element of the state. The unity of the country predicts that the country, as the homeland of the Turks, is a piece of land that has been won through historical struggles and drawn with blood, and that it will not be separated from each other.
The unity of the country was first stated in the Erzurum Congress, “The homeland within the national borders is a whole. It was determined by the decision of "Does not accept separation", passed through the Sivas Congress and declared as the policy followed by the nation with the National Pact. The borders declared with the National Pact are national borders, borders expressing the integrity and unity of the country.
D - Peace at Home, Peace in the World
Another principle is “Peace at home, peace in the world”. Peace at home envisages that Turkish people live in a safe and worthy manner, “Peace in the World” ensures peace and security among nations, the indivisibility of international peace, and the evaluation of humanity as a whole.
“Peace at home, peace in the world” is a principle that is valid in domestic and foreign policy, which leads all nations to prosperity, happiness and a more advanced age of civilization, and which brings Turkey to the level of contemporary civilization in full confidence.
E - Modernization
Modernization is reaching the level of contemporary civilization and heading towards advanced goals in science and technique. Westernization (Westernism) and modernization, modernization and modernization, which were used in our language before, are idioms used to express the same purpose. In fact, westernization or modernization means establishing a modern society, a democratic state, based on a creative scientific mentality. According to Atatürk, with modernization,
“We will try to bring our nation to the blessings of civilization as soon as possible, to make it happy and prosperous, and we have to do this.” (1925)
"We don't take western civilization to imitate it. We adopt what we see as good in it, because we find it suitable for our own body, within the level of world civilization." (1926)
Atatürk, holding the dynamic of innovation, handled the west as a whole. According to him, the west is a common and superior civilization. You cannot stay outside of it.
F - Scientific and Rationality
Another principle of the Turkish revolution is scientific and rationality. Being scientific means giving place to science in the life of the state and society and evaluating science. Atatürk's statement "The truest guide in life is science" reveals the place and role of science in the development and success of the Turkish revolution and in the search for the truth. Rationalism is a natural consequence of being scientific. Rationality formed the philosophical basis of the Turkish revolution. The dominance of the mind, which gives people the ability to think, also ensures rapid development in science and technique. Ataturk,
“ It is our motto to act with reason, logic and intelligence. The cases that fill our entire lives are the proofs of this truth.”
With his words, he stated the place of rationality in society and state life.
G - Love for Humanity and Humanity
One of the greatest features of the Turkish revolution is seen in the value it places on humanity and the love of humanity. According to the Turkish revolution, the human being, who constitutes the basic and basic structure of society, is the owner of real values. Atatürk said, “We are not the enemy of anyone, we are only the enemy of those who are the enemy of humanity. ” Then, he also expressed a unique love for human beings and human respect.
The love of humanity and humanity took place in Kemalism in its widest and most widespread form, in other words in Kemalism.
These basic principles, which we have counted and tried to evaluate, are the characteristics and characteristics of the Republic of Turkey, which is a modern state as a whole. With these principles, the Republic of Turkey, as an honorable member of the civilized human family, will exist as an indivisible whole with its eternal identity that will live with its perpetual and perpetual characteristics.
In Niyazi Berkes's words, Kemalism (Ataturkism) or, in other words, Kemalist thought, is the result of a historical, social and political formation. Atatürk is on his axis.
“He grew up learning and learning within the texture of a century-long history, and with these learnings he opened the way we call Kemalism. The principles that compose it are neither the commands descended from the sky, nor the miracles that will be buried in the darkness of history. They are the legacy of the "great man", earned with wisdom, knowledge, courage, love and honesty.
Source: Atatürk, Hayatı ve Üstün Kişiliği, Prof. Dr. Hamza Eroğlu, Savaş Yayınevi, 4. Baskı, Nisan 2008, ISBN: 978-975-6331-66-8. Sayfa:191-205