Etem Çalışkan, Atatürk Drawing, 1969

Etem Çalışkan, Atatürk Drawing, 1969
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Etem Çalışkan, Atatürk Drawing, 1969


Journalist, painter, calligrapher.

He was born in 1928 in the Göçük Village of Tarsus. He completed his primary and secondary education in Mersin. He completed his higher education in the Poster Department of the Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts. prof. Drawing by Sabri Berkel, writing by Prof. Emin Barın, Prof. He took poster and graphic lessons from Namık Bayık. He assisted Prof. Barın in writing the inscriptions in Anıtkabir. He entered the journalism profession in 1954 while continuing his art student at the Academy. He started to work as a painter and calligrapher in Yeni Sabah newspaper. Afterwards, in the newspapers Zafer and Öncü in Ankara; He worked in the newspapers Movement, Dünya, Akşam, Milliyet, Hürriyet in Istanbul.

After retiring from Hürriyet newspaper in 1982, he drew Turkish Elders for Milliyet newspaper and the album was published as a book. He prepared the Turkish meaning of the Qur'an for Güneş newspaper and Yunus Emre's Divan for Sabah newspaper. Comic did interviews. In 1954, he made Yapı Kredi Bank's 10th anniversary poster, Thanksgiving Certificates, Diplomas and Medals.

Gold and silver commemorative coins issued by the Ministry of Finance of Atatürk's 100th birthday in the 1980s, 100th anniversary celebration posters published by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, stamps of the Turkish States in the past, which are the expression of 16 stars on the Presidential pennant, printed by the PTT General Directorate, 1990 Yunus Emre The manuscript "Yunus Emre Album" published by the Ministry of Culture in the year of the international exhibition. He added another study to these works in 2000. He wrote letter by letter the great speech of Gazi Mustafa Kemal, who is a source of blessings for the Turkish nation, in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on October 15-20, 1927, at the 2nd great congress of the Republican People's Party. It was published as a memoir by the Ministry of Culture. The 17-volume manuscript originals took their place in Başkent University Abdülrahim Tuncay Atatürk Museum.


Other Atatürk Works of the Artist

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Etem Çalışkan, Atatürk Drawing, 1969