Atatürk Wrote a Geometry Book

Atatürk Wrote a Geometry Book
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Atatürk Wrote a Geometry Book

ATATÜRK WROTE THE BOOK OF GEOMETRY:                                                   

Agop Dilacar Tells:

Atatürk wrote the Geometry book with his own hand, one and a half years before his death, in the winter months of 1936-1937, right after the Third Turkish Language Congress (August 24-31, 1936).

One day in the autumn of 1936, Atatürk sent me to Haşet Kitabevi in ​​Beyoğlu with his Chief of Staff, Süreyya Anderiman, and had one of the French Geometry books taken out, which we deemed appropriate. After these were reviewed together with Atatürk, the general design of the Geometry book to be written was drawn. After a while, I left and Atatürk worked on this work during the winter months. The geometry book is the product of this labor.                          

Source:  Agop.Dilâçar, “Foreword” of the book “Geometry”, Turkish Language Institution Publication, 1981, p. V)

This work of Atatürk, which he wrote between January 10 and March 9, 1937, was published by the Ministry of National Education at the State Printing House in 1937. In this book called “Geometry”, the following entry is written just below this title: “For those who teach geometry and those who will write books on this subject It has been published by the Ministry of Culture as a guide”.


The Minister of Culture (National Education) Saffet Arıkan gave the following written order on 15 October 1937 regarding the Hendese (Geometry) and Calculation (Mathematics) books to be taught in the fourth and fifth grades of primary schools in the 1937-1938 academic year:

“To be read from any book (Account+Hendese) that fits it, including the original work written by Atatürk.”


                                                                           S. Arikan 



Asim Us explains:

“Atatürk stopped by Sivas during his (Elaziz) trip. While he was examining a student at a school (Sivas High School), he saw that the terms Hendese (Geometry) still continued as before. Letters such as gamma and delta are placed on the pictures. He's bored of it. Immediately, Celal Bayar, who was with Atatürk, sent a telegram to the Minister of National Education Saffet Arıkan to remove these books from schools. It turns out that, according to a previous decision, although the books were published in the old style, new terms had to be added to the book in the form of a list. Since the State Printing Office could not produce this supplement, it could not be sent to schools. When Prime Minister Celal Bayar notified the Minister of National Education that this Hendese book should be abolished, Saffet Arıkan's response was: “I am the recipient of your first guidance.”

Source: Us Asım, Asım Us’un Hatıra Notları, 1966, sayfa: 232-234

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Atatürk Wrote a Geometry Book