During a visit to Çolak İbrahim Bey's sawmill in Bozüyük, Bilecik. (20.05.1926)

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During a visit to Çolak İbrahim Bey's sawmill in Bozüyük, Bilecik. (May 20, 1926)

A Speech in Bozüyük, 20 May 1926

During a visit to Çolak İbrahim Bey's sawmill in Bozüyük, Bilecik.  (20.05.1926)

It was said during a visit to the sawmill.


There is no one who does not know how patriotic and heroic the life of our friend İbrahim Bey was in the past.

I should remember with full pride that at the beginning of the National Struggle, he struggled with me under very unsuitable conditions, with very lacking means to achieve the common goal, and that he was successful. History will surely write that he worked at the head of our important cavalry squadrons as the most devoted soldier during the continuation of the War of Independence, and that he had the first profits in the wars that took place in our environment at this moment, that he followed the enemy in front of his heroic horsemen on the plains of Bursa and put him to the sword.

As soon as Abraham understood the period in which armed struggles could free himself, he was chosen by the nation to a duty of law-making. In the meantime, it has shown a great speed of transition when it is the highest duty to think about the most basic needs of the country and nation and to attempt to provide it. As a result of this, he created this great work while expressing life, movement, civilization and hope in front of our eyes at this moment. There is no doubt that he faced many difficulties in this regard. He overcame all the difficulties, never gave up hope in his desperation, and walked fearlessly on his work, which he did not hesitate to be useful to the nation, as he walked on the enemy in war. Special congratulations to him. It is necessary to create beneficial organizations like this for the country and the nation.

the Government of the Republic; It should not be doubted that honest, patriotic, republic-loving men will always help and support their work."

Source:  Hakimiyet-i Milliye: 23.05.1926

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During a visit to Çolak İbrahim Bey's sawmill in Bozüyük, Bilecik. (20.05.1926)