Atatürk's Revolutions

Atatürk's Revolutions
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“The day will come when I will carry out the reforms that we all thought were dreams. The people I belong to will believe in me." Mustafa Kemal Atatürk


   I- Reforms made in the political field:

   1- Abolition of the Sultanate (1 November 1922)

   2- Proclamation of the Republic (29 October 1923)

   3- Abolition of the Caliphate (3 March 1924)

   II- Regulation of social life:

   1- The Law on Wearing a Hat (25 November 1925)

   2- The Law on the Great Wall (closing) of dervish lodges, dervish lodges and tombs, and prohibition and abolition of tombs and certain titles (30 November 1925)

   3- Adoption of Laws Concerning the International Time and Calendar (26 December 1925). With these adopted laws, the Hijri and Rumi Calendar application was abolished and the Gregorian Calendar was replaced, and the international clock system was adopted instead of the Turkish time.

   4- The Law of Measures (1 April 1931). With this law, meters, kilograms and liters used by civilized nations were accepted as measurement units.

   5- The Law on the Abolition of Nicknames and Titles (26 November 1934)

   6- The Law on Not Wearing Certain Apparel (3 December 1934). With this law, religious men, regardless of their religion, were prohibited from wearing spiritual clothing (clothes) except for temples and ceremonies.

   7- Surname Law (21 June 1934)

   8- The Law on Giving our President Kemal Öz the surname Atatürk (November 24, 1934)

   9- Women's attainment of civil and political rights:

         a- Rights provided by the Civil Code

         b- Adoption of the law granting women the right to vote and be elected in municipal elections (April 3, 1930)

         c- With the amendments made in the Constitution, women's right to elect and be elected as a member of parliament (5 December 1934)

  III- Reforms made in the field of law:

    1- The Law on Abolishing the Sharia Courts and Establishing the Organization of New Courts (8 April 1934)

    2- Turkish Civil Code (February 17, 1926)

It was separated from the religious law system and the implementation of the secular contemporary legal system was started.

   IV- Revolutions made in the field of Education and Culture:

   1- The Law of Unification of Education (3 March 1924). With this law, all science and education institutions in Turkey were subordinated to the Ministry of National Education.

   2- Law on Adoption and Application of New Turkish Letters (1 November 1928)

   3- Establishment of Turkish History Research Society (12 April 1931). The Society was later renamed the Turkish Historical Society (October 3, 1935). With the establishment of the institution, which expresses a new view of history in the field of culture, the understanding of the history of the ummah has passed from the understanding of the history of the nation.

   4- Establishment of Turkish Language Investigation Society (12 July 1932). The Society was later renamed the Turkish Language Institution (24 August 1936). The aim of the institution is to reveal the beauty and richness of the Turkish language and to make it reach a worthy height among the languages ​​of the world.

   5- Law on the closure of Istanbul Darülfünunu and the establishment of a new university by the Ministry of National Education (31 May 1933). Istanbul University was opened to education on 18 November 1933.

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Atatürk's Revolutions