Atatürk's Business Cards

Atatürk's Business Cards
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Atatürk's Business Cards


Our research on the business cards used by the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, identified five business cards, four in the Turkish Revolution History Institute Archive (T.İ.TEA) and one in the Anıtkabir, Atatürk and War of Independence Archives. . Among the business cards, examples of which are shown in the appendix, the ones numbered 1, 2, 3 and 5 are in the Enstitü Archive,  and the number 1 and 4 are in the Anıtkabir, Atatürk and War of Independence Archives 2  .

All of the business cards in our archive are among the documents donated to our archive by Behiç Erkin, one of Atatürk's close friends. On the back of the number one business card, there is an inscription stating that Mustafa Kemal gave it to Behiç Bey on 2.12.33 (2.12.1333/1917). Others do not have any inscription or date.






Business Card No. 5:  It is a business card from 1918, with an interesting story, on which Atatürk wrote a note in his own handwriting.


Atatürk was briefly in the Austrian spa and spa town of Karlsbad in 1918 for treatment. In the same period, Ayşe Sıdıka Ratip, wife of Hejaz Governor Ahmet Ratip Pasha, and his cousin Azize Halid, who was accompanying him, were staying at the aforementioned spa. Meeting and friendship with Atatürk begins here and continues in Istanbul.

This card is the business card that Atatürk wrote for the tea invitation, which has a special meaning and was organized for him in Istanbul by this family, and that he would accept the invitation together with his aides.

An example of the business cards Atatürk used after the Writing Revolution

Assoc. Dr. Oğuz AYTEPE*

* Ankara University Turkish Revolution History Institute, Lecturer.

1 TITEA, Box No. 162, Shirt No. 1, Document No. 1-(9), 129/20224; 1-(2)129/20225; 1-(8) 129 / 20223; l-(5) 129 / 2022/a.

2 Anıtkabir Atatürk and the War of Independence Archive, Document No. 1035 / 14

Source: Ankara Üniversitesi Türk İnkılâp Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi, Sayı: 35-36, Mayıs-Kasım 2005, sayfa: 431-434

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Atatürk's Business Cards