Atatürk's visit to the Ermis Safety Kartal Canned Food Factory located on Dolmabahçe Street in Istanbul. (16.12.1930)

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Atatürk's visit to the Ermis Safety Kartal Canned Food Factory located on Dolmabahçe Street in Istanbul. (16.12.1930)

17 Aralık 1930 tarihli Cumhuriyet Gazetesi

Cumhuriyet Newspaper dated 17 December 1930

In Atatürk Canned Food Factory;
They visited the canning factory in Kabataş Fındıklı (Ermis Safety Kartal), got an explanation about how cans and canned food are made, and examined how the machines work.
Gazi Hz. As they were leaving the factory ten minutes later, they were applauded for a long time by the people who had gathered there and were supported with their "live" voices. (December 17, 1930, Cumhuriyet Newspaper)

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Atatürk's visit to the Ermis Safety Kartal Canned Food Factory located on Dolmabahçe Street in Istanbul. (16.12.1930)