Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha with the 15th Division officers in Samsun. (24.09.1924)

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Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha with the 15th Division officers in Samsun. (September 24, 1924)


Atatürk used to visit the big and small military units of the town he went to during his country trips. He took care of everything around here, entering and leaving the wards, cafeterias and infirmaries. He would find his veteran comrades, looking for them even if they had retired from de facto service.

In the commemorative photograph published for the first time above, we see His Excellency the President, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha, at the Fifteenth Division Headquarters in Samsun on September 24, 1924.

To the right of Atatürk is Division Commander Fehmi Pasha.

Fehmi Bey, who fought bravely at the head of his regiment in that unforgettable TINAZTEPE war in the Great Offensive, was promoted with a commendation upon the abolition of the Commander-in-Chief, and when the Surname Law came into force, Atatürk gave Fehmi Pasha the surname  TINAZTEPE , just like many of his comrades.

To the right of Mustafa Kemal Pasha is Division Commander Fehmi Pasha. Fehmi Bey, who fought valiantly to clear Tınaztepe from the enemy in the Great Offensive, was given the surname Tınaztepe.

Source:  Atatürk’ün Son Günleri, Cemal Kutay, 3. Baskı Ekim 2005. İklim Yayıncılık. ISBN: 975-988-847-5. Sayfa:109

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Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha with the 15th Division officers in Samsun. (24.09.1924)