Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha is among the people on his Konya tour. (22.03.1923)

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Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha is among the people on his Konya tour. (March 22, 1923)

22 March 1923 Atatürk in Konya, Sabiha Özar Speaks;

Sabiha Özar, who is in this photograph taken during Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's visit to Konya in 1923 and became a teacher at the request of the Great Leader, advised young people to "work hard" in an interview with Anadolu Agency at the age of 101. Sabiha teacher, who lived a modest life in her house in Buca, told Anadolu Agency (AA) her memories with Atatürk, whom she first met at the age of 7 and had seen 3 times in her life. Sabiha Özar, who witnessed Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's visit to Konya on March 22, 1923 at the station and was included in the photograph taken that day, said that she made her decision to become a teacher that day. He described his experiences as follows:

"(Atatürk) came to Konya to tell about the National Struggle. We greeted him as 'Hero Mustafa Kemal Pasha'. I was thinking, 'What kind of hero is my child.' She was a small lady wearing a shawl on her head. Mustafa Kemal Pasha had a cap on his head, his eyes were sparkling. He came towards us with a slight smile. He stroked my head with one hand and the other girl's head with the other. I looked into his eyes with fatherly affection. I had never seen such blue eyes, they were shining. ' Look,' he said, 'You have started school very well, children, I would like to see you as a teacher in the future'. I already loved teachers, I thought, trembling, 'I will be a teacher.'"

Saliha Özar's second opinion of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is also inspiring. Stating that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's second sighting was on October 29, 1933, Sabiha Özar said that although she was very poor at that time, she was educated at Numune High School in Ankara. Noting that he went to the area where the old Parliament building is located to participate in the celebrations, Özar said, "A bridge was set up and decorated. We were right in front of him. Marches were being played for the 10th anniversary. I saw him so vigorous that day that I cannot describe him. He came out and spoke, 'The character of the Turkish nation is high. He said, "The Turkish Nation is smart." used the phrases.

Saying that the last time he saw Atatürk was 1938, Özar continued: "There was one month before I finished the teacher's school. He came to open the Merinos factory in Bursa. He was in an open car. We were students, we had uniforms. The car slowed down and headed towards us. "He took three steps, had a concussion, was sick. He was young when I first saw him, but now he was weak, his eyes were bright. Sadness came to me. I remember wearing a furry coat and a fedora in his hand." Explaining that he went to Tavşanlı to work after becoming a teacher and learned from the principal of the school where he worked, that Atatürk passed away on November 10, Özar said,"Turkish doctors were looking, this information was given to the public through the agency. His Speech was always in front of me. I couldn't tell that he was going to die. I was very sad when I heard it. I couldn't go to the ceremony, but thousands of people sent him off." He said. I kept my promise (to Atatürk). I already loved teaching." said.

Stating that Atatürk means "Republic", "humanity", "understanding the national existence", Sabiha Özar said, "We owe it to him, he presented us the country where it was destroyed by the Ottoman Empire in the best way. He expelled all the imperialist states from the country and signed an independent peace." said. Emphasizing Atatürk's poor, ignorant people and the establishment of a republic in a country in debt, Özar concluded his words as follows:  "November 10 is the date of Atatürk's death. Mortal people will surely die, I find it quite natural. God designed his life like that. He is a hero who created the Republic of Turkey as a gift. And with what difficulties... His mortal body disappears, it's important. not, his principles and works are important... I thought that I will migrate, I did my duty when I migrated, but it is incomplete. I say to the young people after me that I will die, I will perish. Despite everything, you will protect Atatürk's principles and works. You will keep the republic alive. I don't have much to do, but he must work hard for a modern Turkish Nation that will raise the republic founded by Atatürk, human rights and the economic conditions of the state. As a people, I want them to work hard."
AA, 09.11.2016 

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Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha is among the people on his Konya tour. (22.03.1923)