While returning to the provincial mansion among the people after visiting the Industry School in Adana. (16.03.1923)

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While returning to the provincial mansion among the people after visiting the Industry School in Adana. (March 16, 1923)

Adana, 16 March 1923

At Adana Industry School

Mustafa Kemal Pasha, who wanted to see the Industry School near the mosque after leaving the Ulu Mosque, visited this place as well. He listened to the information given about the history of the school.

After listening to the information given by the Principal İbrahim Vehbi (Ayan) about the history of the school, he examined the old benches of the school closely:

Let's modernize the school, " he said.

Noting the suction pumps and the hammering of the iron on the anvil:

Let's use water on the ground (as artesian); let's teach technique, not just hammering, " he said.

Source: A A M Atatürk’te Çocuk Sevgisi, Cemil Sönmez, 2004 Yılı, ISBN: 975-16-1746-4, Sayfa:62

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While returning to the provincial mansion among the people after visiting the Industry School in Adana. (16.03.1923)